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Sunday, November 08, 2009


Where's sense of decency?

Kudos to the Marlboro school board for standing up to the extortion tactics of the teachers union. ("Marlboro school workers campaign for new contract," Oct. 31.)

Threats like "end this before it gets any worse" stated by New Jersey Education Association spokesman Steve Wollmer are simply unbelievable. Such self-serving aloofness is incomprehensible in today's climate.

Do these elite union members have any sense of decency and morals left at all — or are they blinded by greed? And these are the people we trust with educating our children? Heaven help us.

It should be interesting to watch teachers and education department employees knocking on doors for support of salary and benefit increases the residents couldn't dream of in today's environment. They should get a great welcome.

While citizens do their best to maintain a bare bones existence, these education employees are knocking on the doors of the very homes that many residents are doing their best to keep from foreclosure. Yet they have the unmitigated gall to ask citizen support for salary increases and benefit increases from the very people who have lost most benefits (or pay a small fortune for them), and forget what a salary increase is.

What happened to fairness? Are they at all aware of today's economic climate? Shouldn't they be just glad they still have a job?

I'm sure there will be a lot of very embarrassed door knockers in the ranks of teachers and education department employees. And they wonder why the public has such a low opinion of the NJEA. Hang in there Marlboro — we are all in your corner.

Tom Flynn


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